
Talented professionals are hard to come by. Seldom are they easily surfaced on job boards, and there are ethical problems calling a competitor to recruit someone away, not to mention little time to really dig and find these people anyway.

How is a company supposed to move forward without the talented individuals who will carry it forward? It can’t…but you can find those professionals!

The Stembridge-Salient Agency (SSA) is a professional recruiting and staffing firm who knows how to find these professionals. We are a part of a large group of well respected recruiters who work in the areas of pharmacy, physician services, medical advertising, medical device manufacturing and health IT topics. Combine this with state-of-the-art recruiting technology and a deep network of professionals; we can help you find talent others can only dream of.

What’s the catch? There is none! SSA works on a full contingency basis, which means you only pay us when we find the right talent to fit with your organization. How much better could it get.

Don’t think we can actually make it work? Contact us and we’ll send you a confidential profile of the type of professionals we work with on a regular basis. If you like what you see, let us get to work on your project right away.