We Find the Next Step on Career Path

You are tired of searching and scouring job boards, company websites, and message boards looking for the position to take you to the next step in your career. You have talked with a few recruiters, but felt they were forcing you into a position to benefit them and not you. I am sure you will agree searching for a new position should be easier.

It can! The Stembridge-Salient Agency (SSA) is here to make the laborious job search much easier! SSA is a professional recruiting and staffing firm, but nothing like recruiters you have experimented with previously! Rather than trying to make a square peg fit into a round hole, we work with you to ensure any position we present is a career enhancing fit.

How do we do that? We are your agent. Just as professional athletes and film stars have agents, you should have an agent. We represent working professionals, as yourself, at no charge to you. Our fees are covered by hospitals, physician practices, and other medical institutions searching for the highest quality healthcare professionals.

If you’re not paying us, do we really represent you? At SSA, we believe everyone – physicians, healthcare professionals, employers, and the community – benefits when the job opportunity is a good fit. The new relationship creates a synergistic relationship for all parties involved. So we take the time to learn your needs, to understand where you want to be immediately, as well as, in the future. SSA will help you pave your road to success.

What are you waiting for? Don’t waste any more time trying to find it on your own. Let one of our Career Agents get the ball rolling for you. You have nothing to lose, and the entire world to gain.

Hot Job of the Month


This Federally Qualified Health Center in Macon, GA is seeking a board certified Family Medicine physician to provide complete, comprehensive, family-oriented outpatient care for patients throughout the life cycle, including health examinations and treatment of medical conditions, to include follow-up of any problems detected.

At least three years of primary care experience is strongly preferred. Various medical experiences acceptable.


Jobs for Healthcare Professionals

Featured Jobs

Stembridge-Salient Agency will save your time with your career plan.

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In the News

Homebuilder.com Names Macon, GA Most Affordable City for Homebuyers

A new study by Homebuilder.com ranks "The Most Affordable Cities to Buy a House." Using trusted sources like the U.S. Census Bureau and Altos Research, the Homebuyer.com research group built an algorithm that digests public and private homeowner data and calculates the relative cost of homeownership throughout the United States.  Macon was #1 in affordability.